The Great Pyramids

The Great Pyramids at Giza

Hello and welcome to this amazing page on the Great pyramids at Giza. We promise to fill you with all kinds of new knowledge about the magnificent structures. There are many different interpretations and ideas about the reasons that they were built. We intend to tell you about all of these things and the history of the Great Pyramids.

This is a map of the pyramids. They are located just ouside of Cairo in a place that was called Memphis, but is now just referred to as a suburb of the city.

Here is a cool little picture of all three of the pyramids in a little group.

Our page is divided into 3 sections that are about different aspects of the pyramids. The sections are myth, ancient history, and recent history.

Here are some cool links to other WWW pages about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World or the Pyramids at Giza.

This page was created by Joe Fleury, Chris Mabry, Allen McBride, and David Singleton.
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